Saturday, December 12, 2015

Frank Sinatra at 100

Frank Sinatra would have been 100 years old today. One of the most controversial figures in entertainment history, it's hard to deny his importance no matter what side you stand on. When he was at one of his numerous peaks, he was amazingly charismatic, cool and could nurse emotions form a song like nobody before or since. When he was off, he could be WAY off. And his complex personal life makes it hard to ever fully admire the man. This past year, I was privileged to work behind the scenes with Taschen on the book seen above, now available exclusively as a limited edition I can't even afford. You can order a copy here  and if you do, let me know what kind of a credit-if any--I received. All I have seen is a pre-proofing PDF copy.

The only time I was ever in Frank's presence was on July 4th, 1977, which I wrote about previously here. Below are a couple of articles from that day and the next that I found this morning.

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